Epigenetics Webinar
Trish Green will be hosting a Free webinar on Epigenetics on Tuesday November 10th, 2020 at noon EST. This webinar will be available on demand after the live session.
Epigenetics is the study of how our external environment influences the expression of our DNA or our genetic code. Our DNA controls the appearance of our skin, our health and generally how well or not, we age. What we do know is, that it is the choices that we make around the quality of our environment and lifestyle that we choose, that all affect the way our cells are programmed and respond.
TheraGenesis Skin Care is not just skin care. Your skin, as your largest organ, simply reflects what is going on inside your body. As a Homeopath, Esthetican and Clinical Aromatherapist of 30 years, my ultimate goal was always to share my many years of training and clinical practice with others. What is important to me is to also provide a trusted source of wellness information to help others be empowered and make educated choices, that can positively impact their life. Why? Science states that if we embrace a complete approach to health and wellness that we absolutely can feel better, look better and truly redefine how we choose to age.
Don’t miss out on this amazing webinar. Please sign up to ensure access.